Christmas Gift Guide for Wheelchair Users

Christmas Gift Guide for Wheelchair Users

Christmas is fast approaching which means it is that time of year to think about the gifts that you will buy for friends and family. Buying the perfect gift for a loved one during the holiday season can be a lot of pressure but it should also be joyful to treat those...
How to Maintain a Mobility Scooter

How to Maintain a Mobility Scooter

Mobility scooters are the perfect solution to getting around when it is difficult to walk. They allow users to easily get outdoors, do the shopping and visit loved ones without being faced by the limitations of being immobile. Mobility scooters can last up to five...
How to Choose a Wheelchair Accessible Car

How to Choose a Wheelchair Accessible Car

There are many different types of cars available for wheelchair users depending on whether they will be using the car as a passenger or driver. If the wheelchair user will be driving the car, it is possible to drive from the wheelchair or get a car that allows an easy...
How to Keep Warm in a Wheelchair

How to Keep Warm in a Wheelchair

Now that September has arrived, Autumn is fast approaching which means the cold weather will soon be with us. It can be difficult for wheelchair users to keep warm during the winter months which is why we want to make sure you or your loved one are prepared. We...
Wheelchair Air Travel Guide

Wheelchair Air Travel Guide

The best way to help reduce stress and unnecessary delays when travelling abroad is to be prepared and plan ahead. If you are a wheelchair user or going away with someone who is, there will be several additional plans that will need to be in place before you begin...
How to Clean a Wheelchair

How to Clean a Wheelchair

If 2020 teaches us anything, it’s that we should never take our health, or that of a loved one, for granted and the unfortunate spread of germs is entirely out of our control – whether that’s germs being spread by us or to us. We all have a level of...