Sheriff Wheelchair


The Krabat Sheriff is an award-winning lightweight indoor/outdoor active children’s wheelchair that is highly adaptable with several options.

The child sits on a saddle seat which separates the legs from each other. The abducted hip position tilts the pelvis forward into a neutral position, which together with the widespread position of the feet, creates a large base of support. This gives a stable position which reduces the need for upper body support.

This is a high value, highly specified wheelchair which requires a seating assessment.
Please contact us directly to book an assessment.


Key features of Krabat Sheriff wheelchair include:

  • Smart and modern design that draws attention to the child, not to the chair
  • Optional compensation mechanism to allow propulsion with one hand only by children with impaired arm function
  • Seat and back can accommodate a SWASH orthosis for children who require it

The Krabat Sheriff is durable and hard-wearing in all ways, including upholstery that is machine washable and which can also be wiped clean with a cloth. To fully benefit from the Krabat Sheriff, the the child should have some truncal stability, but an independent sitting function is not necessary.

It is available in two sizes (S1 and S2), and overall, the Krabat Sheriff gets a child moving stylishly and freely, allowing them to enjoy life to the full.

Momentum Healthcare are exclusive distributors in Ireland for the Krabat Sheriff and all other Krabat mobility devices.


Use Product Enquiry Tab to get in touch for further details.

Sheriff Wheelchair Momentum Healthcare
[lightbox id=”dimensions” width=”840px”]Sheriff Wheelchair Momentum Healthcare[/lightbox]

  • TOTAL WIDTH (A): 52 – 60 cm / 56 – 64 cm
  • DISTANCE BETWEEN DRIVE WHEELS (B): 39.5 – 47.5 cm / 57 – 62 cm
  • WIDTH OF BACKREST (C): 26.5 cm / 31.5 cm
  • TOTAL LENGTH (D): 66.5 cm / 76.5 cm
  • LENGTH OF BACKREST (E): 26 – 31 cm / 36 – 41 cm
  • DISTANCE FROM SEAT TO FOOTREST (F): 22 – 40 cm / 19 – 44.5 cm
  • MAX DEPTH OF SEAT (G): 28 cm / 32 cm
  • HEIGHT OF SEAT (H): 45 – 49 cm / 47.5 – 52.5 cm
  • TOTAL HEIGHT (I): 70 – 79 cm / 71.5 – 81.5 cm
  • CAMBER ANGLE (J): 4°
  • ANGLE OF SEAT (L): -15° to +15°
  • DISTANCE BETWEEN FOOTRESTS (M): 17.5 cm – 35 cm
  • WEIGHT: 7.4 kg / 7.9 kg
  • MAX WEIGHT OF USER: CE approved up to 60 kg


For more information about this product or to receive a quote, please call us directly on ­056 771 23 94 or fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you shortly.

[contact-form-7 id=”2744″ title=”Product Enquiry Form”]

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